

我们知道在原核表达系统中,大肠杆菌是最常见的表达载体,而根据自身试验设计的差异,会选择不同的大肠杆菌使用,如表达蛋白一般选用E.coli BL21,分子克隆实验一般用DH5α等菌株,并且通过调研我们可以发现,之所以不同实验选用不同的菌株,其原因是这些专用的菌株在其野生型的基础上都进行了相应的基因改造。如BL21为了更好的表达分泌各种蛋白,敲除了一些位于膜结构上的蛋白酶;DH5α或Trans1T1菌株为了更好的进行分子克隆实验,敲除了一种关键的核酸内切酶,得以保证外源基因能够稳定的存在于受体细胞内。而我们在实验过程中还有很多根据自身需求敲除的基因,那么我们该如何设计并进行实验呢?下面我们简要说一下大肠杆菌基因敲除前需要做的一些思考。

第一,不要默认敲除是对目的基因序列完全去除(从atg到taa)。 因为有时候会存在上下游基因的编码序列叠加的情况, 导致目的基因若完全去除会影响下游基因的转录与翻译,对表型造成影响。所以这种情况下,务必要保留目的基因末端的下游基因转录起始区域或核糖体结合区域。 In bacteria, genes are often arranged in operons that are transcribed as a unit and in which neighboring genes frequently overlap a few to several nucleotides. In such arrangements, mutation of a single gene can simultaneously affect function of neighboring or downstream genes. To circumvent these kinds of problems, mutants were designed taking into account gene organization to avoid affecting properties of more than one gene simultaneously.【1】 比如敲除基因surA时,要保留C端7个密码子,否则全部敲除可能会影响下游的基因pdxA,进而影响磷酸吡多醛的合成途径。


第二,大家设计引物之前先到ecocyc上查找基因对应的reading frame,看一下对下游基因有无影响。 Keio collection这篇文章里对大肠杆菌进行了已知全部基因的单敲除工作,其敲除工作构建的引物(请下载supplemental materials)一般保留了C端末位7个codon。但是对于一些overlap很长的情况,只保留末位7个codon也是不够的,Keio collection里面有一些敲除做了相应的修正,大家自行阅读原文。 The targeting PCR products were designed to create in-frame deletions of the 2nd through the 7th codon from the C-terminus, leaving the ORF start codon and translational signal for a downstream gene intact. 见下图二(Fig2-【1】) However, according to its latest genome annotation, E. coli K-12 has 742 overlapping genes, ranging in length from 1 to 260 nt, with the longest being for ytfP and yzfA. Although the majority are short (1–8 nt), 191 genes overlap by at least 9 nt. Thus, our standard design for construction of in-frame deletions can in some cases simultaneously affect the coding of two overlapping ORFs, which can be especially important when evaluating gene essentiality.【1】


第三,最后:在进行基因敲除时,认真分析观察目的基因上下游是否含有与其他基因重叠,再决定是否完全敲除该序列,如果不重叠,完全敲除编码区域是可以的,否则就要做出调整。当然,目前比较保险的是参照keio collection的设计。

友情链接: 国家实验细胞资源共享平台 ATCC Zhang Lab 海星生物商城 火箭加速器
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